Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Joy and Sorrow

9 years ago today, I became a mom.  My sweet RainbowGirl entered the world and made it a better place.  I am so filled with awe and joy.  I am grateful for her prescence in my life.  She has made me a better person.

Today, as I type this, a family from Camp Sunshine is flying home so their daughter can say goodbye to loved ones.  They flew to California to try to find a cure for their daughter.  Now they fly back so she can say goodbye.  Amber Dugan and her family has touched me so much.  From the moment I met her and saw her, her strength and joy has been a blessing to me.  Their family has been such an inspiration to me.   

Ironically, another close Camp Sunshine family we love is in California.  Their son's days are also numbered and they are there so he can say goodbye to their family in California.  

As I sit here in my p.j.'s waiting for my babies to get up, I watch the rain and wonder at it all.   Childhood cancer has stolen SO much from so many we love. My heart is so heavy and I so wish I could say or do something to ease their pain.  

So while I celebrate my babies birth, I pray and mourn that Amber and David's days are ending on this earth.    The song Always by Building 429 really shouted at me yesterday as I thought and prayed for both these families. . .  and I wept.  Then I heard there will be a day by Jeremy Camp  and I felt like the Lord was nudging and reminding me that THERE WILL BE A DAY.    I leave this with you in closing as I listen to this song and it's lifting my heart.  

There will be a day with no more tears, no more pain, and no more 
There will be a day when the burdens of this place, will be no more, 
we'll see Jesus face to face
But until that day, we'll hold on to you always

1 comment:

  1. My heart is breaking for them ... Do you have emails of all the camp sunshine people? We should pick a day and have everyone wear the braclets Amber made for us all .. so everytime someone asks, we can share Amber's story. Just a day to pray for her and spread the word.
